
artist Ricardo Sanz


On May 13th,  the last article on this blog disappeared soon after I posted it online and it came back on 16th after all. this was because the restoration work by Google on the missing data which had been found by the blogger maintenance they did on May 11th, seemed to make some effect on that article on my blog. if you browsed this sight during that period, I apologize for your inconvenience.

今日の音楽   today's music

today's worldwide artist

今日は、スペイン人の画家、 Ricardo Sanz を紹介します。1950年代の後半に生まれました。ロマンテックな雨の風景、エレガントな女性、遊ぶ子供たちを捉えた清々しい風景画、フラメンコを踊る女性など、幅広い題材を扱っています。洗練、情熱、美しさに満ちたRicardo 独自のスタイルの絵画があなたの心の琴線に触れることを願っています。

today's feature is Ricardo Sanz, a painter , who is Spanish and was born in the late 1950s. he covers a wide range of subjects in his works, such as romantic rainy landscape, portrait of elegant lady, fresh landscape with playing children and Women dancing flamenco.
I hope that his unique paintings filled with fineness, passion and beauty will ring your bell........

Ricardo Sanz  の作品が下のリンクからご覧になることができます。

Click on the links below will take you to the sights where you can see art works of Ricardo Sanz

art works(1)

art works(2)

art works (3)

art works(4)

art works(5)

art works (6)

art works(7)

今日の癒しの動画   today's relaxing videos

画面を拡大してお楽しみ下さい。  full screen play lets you have more fun...

today's wonderful pictures


Click on the links below will take you to the sight where you can see wonderful images.




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